The Story Aerie

Where Stories Take Flight

Welcome to the Story Aerie, home of our favorite Gryphon, Jess Mahler, and our Firebird, Raidon T. Phoenix. The Aerie is a collection of queer, fantasy, science fiction, and other tales from across the multiverse. Here we embrace the diversity of the human experience and refuse to shy away from difficult and sensitive topics. We also have at least one fluffy sentai story and others — from werewolves desperate to survive to societies without any concept of gender.

We’re glad you’re here! Find your next favorite Aerie story in the Catalog below.

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Central image: A wolfpelt spread out on a grey surface. Text: "The Price of Survival" "by Jess Mahler" in green calligraphy on white background

The Price of Survival

Now available in ebook!

About Us

The Story Aerie is the love child of Jess Mahler and Raidon Phoenix…