Snippet Week Day 4: Bound by His Oath Sequel

Bound by His Oath was and remains one of my popular stories and several folks have asked about a sequel.

Good news: It’s coming. Just a matter of when.

I don’t have a snippet for this one, but here’s the gist:

Sir John is coping with life under the lady-witch. (The fact that his calling her that /amuses/ the b– witch is almost enough to make him stop.) He doesn’t like, it, but he’s managing. And to see Lord Reimund free of his father and able to come into his own is (he hates to admit) worth even this.

Except for one thing. The Anglish insist on allowing women to fight. To risk themselves in battle. He really wants to say that women aren’t capable but… they are. So he deals.

One of those women is keeping a secret, and John’s had enough of secrets to last a lifetime. Especially secrets kept by beautiful women who haunt John’s dreams.

Helen had lived in fear since the Conquest. Sooner or later, the Norns would come, and she would be exposed.

Except that the Norns did come, and nothing changed. Lady Mildthryth had somehow worked a miracle and Helen and the other women fighters were left alone to continue training and patrolling. (Well, mostly alone. You couldn’t expect Norns not to be assholes.)

But Helen has a secret the rest of the women fighters don’t. A secret her fellow Anglish are helping her keep — for now. Maybe she should have just told Lord Reimund. It might have cost her everything, but Reimund was… not bad for a Norn.

Instead, Sir John is sniffing around and Sir John is just the worst. If only he weren’t handsome, funny, and secretly kind, she would be able to hate him. Instead, she lives in fear of the day he discovers what she’s hiding.

What d’ya think? Looking forward to it?

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This Aerie is a passion project, and we’d love your help to make it more than that. Lend us your feedback in the comments and thank you for reading.

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