image representing Sir John from Bound by His Oath and Cost of His Silence -- Man-at-Arms by Donato Bramante. Painting of a bearded man (white skin, blond hair, brown eyes) in leather cap, green tunic, and brown surcoat. Text: "Can we talk?"

Cost of His Silence Cover

image representing Sir John from Bound by His Oath and Cost of His Silence -- Man-at-Arms by Donato Bramante. Painting of a bearded man (white skin, blond hair, brown eyes) in leather cap, green tunic, and brown surcoat. Text: "Can we talk?"

The long awaited sequel to Bound by His Oath, Cost of His Silence tells the story of one of Reimund’s most trusted knights and Mildthryth’s strongest warriors.

Sir John isn’t as angry as he once was, and he is loyal to a fault. But he still doesn’t understand or like the Anglish customs he now lives among, or the fact that it is Lady Mildthryth and not his longtime friend Lord Reimund who truly rules Oak Haven.

Helen isn’t as scared as she once was, but she still doesn’t trust the Norns — especially Sir John, whose anger towards Lady Mildthryth and the very concept of women warriors is well known. And Helen has a secret, one that can’t be hidden forever…

Cost of His Silence excerpt

It was Helen’s worst nightmare. Not being caught — she’d always known that was coming sooner or later. No, being caught by John — /Sir/ John, directly oath sworn to Lord Reimund and the most angry, belligerent, and judgemental of the Norns who had conquered Oak Haven a year ago.

He was also kind, handsome, and — at least since the Conqueror had visited and given his approval to Lord Reimund — had treated the women warriors exactly the way he treated the men. Even many of the Anglish men didn’t manage that. John was one of only two Norns, and the other oddly was Lord Reimund himself.

“Helen,” he repeated, surprising her again by the simple use of her name, “we need to talk.”

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