Head-and-torso sketch of Iberto from A Smear of Blood. Scruffy man looking suspiciously off to the side.

A Smear of Blood (S2, E8)

Content Notes: play violence

Sketch of Iberto: a scruffy man dressed like a D&D rogue. Text reads: 
Let me be the visible enemy they know is hunting them while you stalk silently.

The Balance-Called lay listless in the garden, throat tight as ey tried to keep back the tears burning in eir eyes. The debt the monks and their predecessors had racked up over the years wove through the world. It tugged at everyone, from goddes to children. By far, their largest debt threaded through the goddes, both those still living and those now gone. How did one address a debt that the debtor not only didn’t intend to pay but meant to double down on until they drove the one owed out of existence?

Eir limbs relaxed as the Scaled One reassured em and gave a reminder that balance could not be forced. The godde added that not all imbalances were debts. Eir former life as a merchant and daughter of merchants shaped eir understanding of balance, but ey needed to learn to see beyond it. The Balance-called frowned at the reminder of what ey didn’t yet understand. Ey recalled Hannu’s words at lunch the other day.

It would be nice to have others who served the Scaled One, who would understand and give another perspective… Ey was distracted from eir thoughts as fabric and grass rustled beside em.

“Well met,” The melodic voice of Kira the Sun-called said as ey sat down beside the Balance-Called.

Ey sat up on one elbow and offered an unsettled smile and a wave. “Greetings. And thanks given for the Sun’s blessing today.”

Kira returned the smile with a sure one of her own, bright as the sun overhead. “The Sun has indeed given a beautiful day to spend time in the gardens. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”

“I am trying to.” The Balance-called flopped back down with a heavy sigh. “I seem to be rather stuck in my head at the moment.”

“Perhaps I can lend an ear?” Kira settled into a comfortable position and smoothed her skirts as her expression fell. “Sometimes saying the thoughts aloud can help.”

“I just… some things are too big to do alone.”

Another voice interrupted them, Amir’s smooth baritone. “Iberto told me once that that is why it was so important he gather more called,” He squatted a little to the side in front of them. “I hope I am not intruding, but I was told I needed time away from my books.”

“I don’t believe what needs done can be done alone. Be welcome, Amir.” Kira’s mouth twitched into a half-smile. “It may be that more eyes are needed to shed the shadows of the problem.”

“I see I was not the only one guided to a sunny spot,” Hannu called from the shadow of a tree. She stood at the end of a nearby path and waved sheepishly. “The Green sends greetings,” she said, approaching with a crooked smile of her own. “Am I right that you didn’t just happen to all be here now?”

Amir nodded. “It seems we were led here.” He stood again and leaned against a nearby boulder, arms crossed. “There is a problem to be solved if I understand correctly.”

“/The/ problem, I think,” Kira said. “Maybe it’s time all of us start putting our heads together.”

Hannu nodded. “I’ll join you three, then.” She sat in the shadow of a cluster of bushes. “It is time for a better plan than I have managed.”

Amir turned and grinned at the shadows. “You are back!”

Iberto slipped quietly from the shadows. “And you felt my coming,” Iberto smiled as well and clapped Amir on the shoulder. Then he turned his attention to Hannu. “That is good hearing, though I suggest bringing in no others just yet. We don’t want to draw our prey’s attention.” His voice stayed low and would not carry much past the path end the Green-called had come from.

A murmur of agreement came from the others gathered in the sunny garden spot.

The Balance-called chuckled. “Is all of us ‘randomly’ appearing here not going to draw their attention already?”

Iberto shrugged, relaxed and seemingly carefree. “I am afraid the monks are a bit busy at the moment. My newest guest was not happy to come, but agreed to if I paid a certain price for them.” He grinned. “She has no liking for monks.” At those words, cries of alarm came from the monks’ corner of the temple complex. “Don’t worry, no one should be hurt. This time.”

Amir huffed his amusement and shook his head. “As you say, then.”

Iberto’s grin widened, “Just so.” At the drop of a coin, his face turned serious, “However, I think it best I not join you. Let me be the visible enemy they know is hunting them while you stalk silently.”

Balance-called frowned, “Will you be safe?”

“As safe as any hunt is,” he smiled and slipped back into the shadows, disappearing into the darkness gifted by his Goddess.

Amir chuckled, “They cannot touch him, so let him draw them into the chase. And…” he stopped suddenly, all his attention on Hannu. “Yes! That is the way of it!”

“Shed some light for the rest of us?” Kira asked.

“Let Iberto draw their attention to him, and all the new Called he brings — brings /here/, to the temple.”

Hannu straightened, eyes wide. “While we go elsewhere!”

“Of course!” The Balance-called nodded and sat up fully. “We are not bound to the temple, but to the goddes we serve.”

“Perhaps there is a way after all.” Kira smiled.

Amir nodded. “Let Iberto find Called, that is his role, but you are the only ones who can find /priests/ for your goddes.” He looked to the Green-called and the Balance-called. “I have heard both of you say you wished for such. Why should you not have it? Do not your goddes deserve a full set of priests as they once had?”

With a nod, Hannu frowned, “I saw so many shrines lying untended, so many temples with only lay people doing their best to hold the old rites while the monks push them further and further out. But the people still remember, let us go to them.”

“Wonderful,” Kira grinned. “Let us bring light to those who seek it.”

“But how do we find them?” The Balance-called asked. “We are not called to hunt…” Ey trailed off, closed eir eyes, and focused on the Scaled One.

“Nor was I.” Amir shook his head. “Iberto said I was /potential/ and that he recognized that potential, the connection I had to /him/ as much as to the Goddess.”

Even as he spoke, the Scaled-One sent reassurance to the Balance-Called. Ey would know, said the godde, when ey found someone. “We need to be careful. Not everyone who has this… potential will make a good priest. Especially now.”

Hannu shivered as recent, unpleasant memories stirred. “You’re right. When I was traveling the monks… not everyone would be able to stand up to them.”

“I think my plans have changed. I will travel with you this time,” Amir’s usually smooth baritone became a growl. “I may prefer to hunt answers, but they are not my only prey.”

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