Head-and-torso sketch of Iberto from A Smear of Blood. Scruffy man looking suspiciously off to the side.

A Smear of Blood (S2 Finale)

Content Notes: play violence

Sketch of Iberto from A Smear of Blood: a scruffy man dressed like a D&D ranger/rogue. Text: Perhaps chance favors my hunt.

A young red-headed monk stood duty near the Temple entrance. Iberto noticed him again while tormenting the rest of the monks. Once the Goddess told him his friends had safely dispersed, he left the monks alone and concealed himself in one of his favorite spots for watching the entrance. Time to take a closer look at this young monk.

It took a bit to see clearly, but a trail tied the monk to one of the goddes. It led off to the section of the temple where a gambling godde gave Iberto eir final blessing. In the hiding place, Iberto allowed himself to slip into the dream realm so he could follow the trail in a less obvious manner.

To his surprise, the tie led him to a familiar door. “You return, young one?” A feeble voice said. “I had not expected to see you again.”

“I didn’t expect to come here again. Interesting…” Iberto studied the trail. Was it strong enough for the monk to become Called?

He remembered his last visit here, the blessing the god had offered. “One chance to rig the dice. One time, and one time only, you may call my name, and… something will change. Perhaps in your favor, perhaps against. But change is its own blessing.”

Iberto smiled. “Perhaps chance favors my hunt. For do I not carry the blessing of Asher the Chancemaker?”

As he said the name, the air shivered faintly. It was no change Iberto could see, but he knew something /had/ changed and that he had little time to take advantage of it. “But now I must go. I hope we shall meet again.”

Iberto left the dream realm and came back to himself, still tucked into his hiding place. To his surprise, he saw Kira was now with the monk. Never before had he seen any of the Chosen spend time with the monks. The line between them was clear and unbreakable.

Was this the chance he had sensed?

Slipping out of his hiding place, Iberto approached the two openly. “Greetings Kira, how goes your day? Holy one,” he offered the monk the traditional greeting, though it tasted of rancid fire on his tongue.

The monk glanced at Kira, nervous as most were when Iberto approached. He did acknowledge the greeting with a nod.

“The day goes well, Iberto, thank you for asking,” Kira said, offering a reassuring smile to the monk.

Iberto considered his prey. Not overly confident, but not so timid as to fully shrink away. “Do you like to gamble, holy one?”

The monk swallowed. “You… you cannot tempt me, dark one.”

Kira laughed and gave Iberto a shove. “Dark one? Is that what you call him?”

“I have learned something I thought of interest to you, holy one. If that is, you are a gambler.”

“I don’t know what you have learned, dark one, but why should I take such a gamble as to listen to you?” The monk had his feet more steadily under him now and seemed to be taking courage in Kira’s presence.

Kira sighed, “Iberto, stop toying with the kid.”

Iberto chuckled. “My apologies, I am what I am.” He shrugs. “There is someone who would like to meet you if you are willing. His name is Asher.”

The monk narrowed his eyes. “I don’t know anyone by that name.”

“I know,” Iberto said, suddenly somber. “Few do. That is why he wishes to meet you.”

Kira is suddenly looking back and forth between Iberto and the monk, speculation in her eyes.
Kira “Iberto…?”

“It is your decision, holy one, but I think you would find a conversation with him…enlightening.” Iberto’s nod was as much to confirm Kira’s speculation as to emphasize his point.

“Who, Iberto?” Kira asked. “I don’t know that name either.”

Iberto shrugged. He wouldn’t force the monk to go, but he would make it clear that the matter would not be open long. “The Chancemaker. He fades, holy one, and you will not get another opportunity. So you gamble no matter what you choose. To risk knowing, or to always wonder.”

Conflicted emotions contorted the monk’s features. “The Chancemaker. I have only seen that title in old stories.” He nods. “Perhaps it would be better to risk knowing…”

“Would you like me to come with you?” Kira asks “I know you don’t have much reason to trust me, but I’ll give you my word as sun-chosen to make sure you can leave when you wish.”

The monk examined her before saying, “I would… appreciate that.”

“Come, then.” Iberto led into the temple, following the trail back to Asher. “There is little time.”
Kira fell in step beside the monk as he followed Iberto.

The next day saw two new called raised in the high temple. Helga, Called of Iowe the Moon… and Montu, Called of Asher the Chancemaker. The monks whispered together in the pathways and corridors. The head monks cloistered themselves in their high chamber and spoke in hushed and frantic tones about one of their own becoming Chosen.

While the temple as a whole reacted to the unheard-of event, four people quietly finished preparations for a journey. Iberto had promised to wait to head out again until he was sure the new called were settling in well — though Montu was still uncomfortable around him. So Hannu, Amir, the balance-called, and Kira were able to slip out the gates unnoticed, and into the wider world.

Their war against the monks — their war to save the goddes — was beginning.

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