A Smear of Blood
A Smear of Blood (S1 Finale)
On the way home, Iberto took the time to think on what he was doing. Gathering Called, yes. But it wouldn’t matter how many Called he gathered. The goddes had all had Called, had been fully in their power when the monks took them down. Bringing in new Called would strengthen the goddes, yes. And…
A Smear of Blood (S1, E10)
Iberto has faced down the goddes and won. He may continue to hunt down new Called — and it is time to go hunting.
A Smear of Blood (S1, E9)
Iberto and his goddess have found a way to help the dying goddes. But not all the goddes approve of their plan.
A Smear of Blood (S1, E8)
Iberto goes out seeking a new called for the Sun god, but things don’t go the way he planned. Iberto is no longer the man he was.
A Smear of Blood (S1, E7)
Bit by bit Iberto is better understanding how the monks trapped the goddes. But will he find a way to help Han the Sun in time?
A Smear of Blood (S1, E6)
Iberto learns something and helps Hannu test something. Have the monks tricked the called into believing they are more trapped than they are?
A Smear of Blood (S1, E5)
Iberto knows what he needs to do — find new Called to strengthen the weakened goddes. But how is he going to do it?
A Smear of Blood (S1, E4)
Iberto is on the hunt, but there are restrictions as well as Gifts to being called, and some answers will be harder to find than he expected.
A Smear of Blood (S1, E3)
For three months, the Great Goddess trained Iberto. Not just hunt training, but also what it meant to be called…
A Smear of Blood (S1, E2)
content notes: violence The surprising thing was that everything ached. Iberto had expected death to be stillness. But every muscle in his body cried its mistreatment, his hands and feet worst of all. At first, he could see nothing, but then a pair of eyes gleamed at him and he remembered. “Goddess.” Almost he slid…