A Smear of Blood
A Smear of Blood (S1, E1)
Content Notes: violence His feet and hands were shredded, but he barely noticed as he slammed into the altar. Unthinkingly, reflexively, he muttered a half-forgotten childhood prayer under his breath as he levered himself up. Angry muttering had him looking around in fear. He’d thought– hoped– the temple would help him. Protect him. He’d miscalculated.…
A Smear of Blood Season 1 Cover
In any other story, Iberto would be the villain who unleashed darkness on the world. In A Smear of Blood, he’s going to save the goddes.
Snippet Week Day 3: A Smear of Blood
A Smear of Blood is a high fantasy story a petty thief who must /become/ much more to stop the destruction of the goddes. His feet and hands were shredded, but he barely noticed as he slammed into the alter. Unthinkingly, reflexively, he murmered a half-forgotten childhood prayer as he levered himself up. Angry muttering…