
  • Image of Mattin Brenson from The Bargain. White skinned human with short blond hair and blue eyes. He's wearing a leather collar and a light blue shirt with yellow accents. He stares off to the left with wide, hooded eyes, one arm held across his chest, the other hand held out as if rejecting or pushing away something. Text: “It's alright. You're safe now. It's... everything will be fine.”

    The Bargain (S4, E4)

    Season notes: traumatized people triggering each other, abuse, torture, fictional slavery, con noncon*, (attempted) blackmail Mattin jumped as Jahlene entered. He hurried to assist her out of the complicated veil-and-hairpin arrangement she wore every time she left the suite. His throat was tight, and he couldn’t force himself to speak. She didn’t keep him waiting.…

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  • The Bargain (S4, E1)

    Season notes: traumatized people people triggering each other, abuse, torture, fictional slavery, con noncon*, (attempted) blackmail, Mattin was tired of failing. Brit would tell him he was wallowing, and he knew it. But every time he seemed to be making progress, doing better, he’d lose control and screw up again. And he couldn’t help but…

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  • The Bargain (S1, E9)

    Season content notes: fictional slavery, con noncon, pain play, pain play implied, sex, reference to/discussion of child abuse Brit released Mattin when the bell rang for dinner. After working in the kitchen the past week, it was odd to sit in the dining hall while Crait and the others served. But he enjoyed the chance…

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