Planting Life in a Dying City (S6: Paiokp, Story Finale)
Having done all they can, the family waits on the council’s decision. While they wait, Paiokp has a decision of eir own to share.
Planting Life in a Dying City (S6: Paiokp, E7)
Paiokp did it — ey told the family about eir curse and they still accepted em. But there is still the future to look to…
Planting Life in a Dying City (S6: Paiokp, E6)
Paiokp finally tells eir family about being cursed, and braces for their response.
Planting Life in a Dying City (S6: Paiokp, E5)
Paiokp is scared to tell the family about eir curse. Luckily for em, an important distraction arrives at breakfast.
Planting Life in a Dying City (S6, Paiokp: E4)
With the success of their presentation, Paiokp and Kolchais start looking for customers among the other families.
Planting Life in a Dying City (S6 Paiokp: E3)
The next week passed quietly. Paiokp suspected that the grandparents had also spoken to Lefeng, because the guarding-one said nothing further about Paiokp’s curse, for which Paiokp was immensely grateful. Ey was taking things a day at a time, not knowing what else to do, and focusing on finishing the presentation piece. By the time…
Planting Life in a Dying City (S6 Paiokp: Ep 2)
Paiokp stepped out of the building and was immediately confronted with the rest of the family. Ey should have expected it.
Planting Life in a Dying City (S6, E1)
As the Trial Family practices their new craft, Lefeng confronts Paiokp about the secret ey is keeping.
Planting Life in a Dying City (Season 6 Cover)
Despised, abandoned, and discarded for the bad luck ey carries, Paiokp has always known eir time with the new family was limited. As the family’s trial year races on, the time when Paiokp will be forced to leave grows closer. But this is a year for new things and second chances, and Paiokp’s new family…
Planting Life in a Dying City (S5: Chotaikytsai, E5)
While Chotaikytsai has been fighting eir way through the city’s politics, life has been continuing for the family. Chotaiktysai takes some time to review the progress the family has made in the last months.